Beckley Post-Herald from Beckley, West Virginia (2024)

A A I. I. I. I. I.

I. I. I. TWO Wyoming County Pineville Personals PINEVILLE (RNS) Mrs. Charles Willlamson of White Oak Were guests of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr.

and Mrs. Estil Morgan at Pineville Sunday and Monday. They all visiled their brother, W. H. Morgan, at Avondale.

Mr. and Mrs. V. Shannon, and her mother, Mrs. R.

L. Cook, of Pineville motored to Saturday to visit Mrs. Cook's sister-in-law, Mrs. Lake Conley, who is very ill. She was removed Monday to Grace for treatment.

Miss Catherine Crews has returned from a three-week vacation in Now York City. Mrs. B. Robertson of Pineville, Mr. and Mrs.

A. L. Robertson and children, Sara and Bill, Miss Barbara Cook, Mrs. Ross V. Carr, Pittsburgh, Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Lee Cook, and Mr. and Mars. Bob Carr and famwere among those who attended the Robertson family reunion at Narrows, Sunday. Bill Robertson of Mullens led the devotional.

Mr. and Mrs. David Richardson and daughter, Brenda, of Glen Burnie, were houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowles and family at last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowles and family of Pineville visited relatives at Kimball Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Crawford and daughter, Jane Johnson of Gauley Bridge and Mr. and Mrs. William K. Ghee of Charleston were guests of the Curry family In Pineville over the. week-1 end.

Sgt. Lowell Carter, of Ft. Campbell, visited his sister, Mrs. John. Scoleri and family, at Pineville last week.

They also as A guest her brother-inlaw, Jack Begley of Bluefield. Mrs. Eddie. Crews motored to Charleston Tuesday to accompany her daughter, Mary, and Barbara, home after. they visited their grandmother, Mrs.

C. Shipman. Ralph Mauriello, rookie pitcher of the Los. Angeles Dodgers, was born in Brooklyn but now lives in North Hollywood, Calif. Baptist Society Meets In Oceanal PINEVILLE (RNS) The General Society of the Cook Memorial Baptist Church met Tuesday 'evening at church with several ladies of the Toneda Church as guests.

They were in charge of the program and gave reports their trip to the House Parly held recently at AldersonBroaddus College. A letter was read from Mrs. Rose requesting circle memhers to bring tea towels and pot holders Sent to the, society smearing College clothing to bo sent to Haili. Refreshments, Phillips, were Mrs. served Myr- to tle Rose, Mrs.

0. L. Burgess, Mrs. Floyd Rose, Mrs. Bruce Howard.

Mrs. Acie B. Stewart, Mrs. Gilbert Goode, Mrs. Charbe Shields, Mrs.

Millard Mrs, Rue Schoolcraft, Mrs. Elma Hashurst, Mrs. Jamie Brooks, and guests, Mrs. Maude Cozort, Mrs. Birdie Cook, Mrs.

Lucille Cook, and Mrs. Tom Fleenor. Family Fete Held At Pineville Church family dinner Friday at the Cook PINEVILLE After al Memorial Baptist Church Park, the regular meeting of the circle was held. Miss Phillips presented the program using as her theme, "Juvenile Delinquency." Attending dinner were Mrs. Claude Phillips and Pat and Joe, Mr.

and Talge Hinzman, Mr, and Mrs. Dick Cook and Judy, and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. I Stacey Mullens and Bertha Themas; Mrs. Gaye Privett, Mr.

and Mrs. Dennis C. Morgan and Becky, Libby; and Stevie, and the Rev. Mrs. Paul Cook and.

Annette Melissa of Newark, who were guests. SEEK WEDDING PERMITS PRINCETON (RNS) tion for marriage licenses have been filed in the office of the Mercer County Clerk by the following: Harold Dean Robertson. of Nar. rows, and Gloria Sue Poweli of Princeton; and Kenneth E. Muncy of Falls Mills, and Patricia, Sue Gihsan af Bluefield.

BRISK BARGAINS From The Hub's Downstairs Store Girls Back-To-School COTTON DRESSES Size 7 to 15 Wash Wear and Shirtwaist Styles Full Skirts Roll-Up Sleeves $598 Snug Fit, Triple Roll Cuff Bobby Socks 3 pr. $1.00 Heel and Toe Sizes 22 to 30-New Fall SKIRTS $2.98 $3.98 Assorted Plaids and Solids New Fall Roll- -Up Sleeve Blouses $2.98 $3.98 Assorted New Fall Colors Ladies' High Bulk Orlon SWEATERS. $1.99 Sizes 34 to 40 In Assorted Colors New Fall --2 yds. $1.00 Solids, Plaids, Acetates. 45-Inch Widths, Regular $1.29 Value Clearance Table Values To $10.98 Shoes Gloves Blouses Slim Pants Sports Wear Other Items Choice Your $700 The Downstairs Store Open Monday BECKLET Night Until 9 p.m.

BECKLEY Kopperston Personals KOPPERSTON (RNS) Mrs. Harrison Adams is the guest this week of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arley Adams of Waverly, Ohio. Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Cleveland, Ohio, were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Burkett, Kopperston and Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Miller of Lynco. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wade daughter Sandra, of Colum-ry of Lewisburg this bus, Ohio, and Beatrices Napier week of Mr. and Mrs.

Elba Gillenwater. Lilly Haven News Briefs LILLY HAVEN (RNS) Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jones attended birthday dinner, Sunday in honor of her mother, Mrs. Fiora Canterbury, Coal City.

Others were Mrs. Butch, Roy Freddie, David, and Jeffery; Mrs. James Jones and daughter, Judy, Reckley: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Newsome and daughter, Linda Ellen, Mullens; Mrs.

Nellie Aldridge, Beckley; and Bob Cambell, Princeton. Valley, Charlie Ohio, is Lambert, visiting his Pleasent brothand sisters- in law, Mr. ors, Mrs. Tom Lambert and Mr. and Less Lambert.

Mrs. Fred Doss and daughters, Linda Lee and Norma Jean Stumbo, wore guests last week at the home of her brotherand sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charlic Mrs. Francis visited her brother, Carlos Graham, Oceana, who Ls 111.

Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Graham, Amherstdale, Were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs: Charlie Francis. Mrs.

Roy Elkins, and sons, Butch, Freddie, Jeffery, were the guests Sunday of brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jones and family, Beckley. Miss Gloria Jean Brunty was the Saturday night guest of Miss Donna Lambort, Turkey Dip. Mr.

and Mrs. Charlie Logan and children, Rita and Junior, visited sister, Mrs. Deloris Maynod and children, Lex, last weckend. POST-HERALD, BECKLEY, W. FRIDAY MORNING, Fund Drive Is Under Way To Construct Sanctuary MULLENS (RNS) The First Church of God In South Mullens is now in the climalle week of an organized campaign to raise $30,000 for additlon of a sanetuary to its one story streetlevel unit, which has housed the worship and educationat deparlments since its completion in 1953.

Construction of the new addition is scheduled to get under way Sept. 1 wilh Wells and Perof Depot as the cona lacting firm. Ralph Phile of the Board Church Extension and Home Missions in Anderson, is here this week, assisting with organizing and directing the fund drive. A workshop for all members of the Church Building Campaign Organization was held Tuesday night, a training session for the visitation teams followed ON Thursday night, and another 1s scheduled tonight. A fellowship dinner is to be held Saturday night at Mullens Grade School.

Between 2 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday, the visitation teams will canvass the church family and friends for pledges. An "Our Vietory Service" is planned for the 7:30 p.m. worship hour at the church that night.

Campaign leaders include C. F. Mundy 'as general chairman; R. E. Dishper, visitation chair.

man; Phil J. Smith, chairman of the follow-up' and "monitoring committee; Mrs. Kermit Cook, chairman of the. "Ladies Brigade;" Mrs. R.

Dishner, hostess chairman; Mrs. Roy Sisk, fellowship dinner chairman; Mrs. C. White, listing committee chairman; and Mrs. Jack Frank, chairman of publication.

The Rev, John J. Bailey is pastor of the church and the board of trustees is comprised of Ira Sweeney, chairman, J. K. Elkins, Vic Heyhurst, Phil J. Smith, and J.

W. Caldwell. Get Induction Notices MULLENS (RUNS) Three Selective Service registrants of Local. Board No. 21 of Mullens have been notified to report for induction into the armed forces September 3.

The three. all volunteers, are Joseph Boyd Easter and Charles Edward Pizzino, both of Glen Fork, and Robert Gene BlankenIship of Herndon. The Hub's BIG BUYS for A FALL Main Floor Special Purchase Sheer Nylon Tricot WALTZ GOWNS Chiffon everlay waltz gowns la a of Moral and solid shades, Sizis 32 to 34. Specially priced at. $299 Hi-Bulk Sweaters Orions In cardigans and turtle- nock styles.

Choice of red, blue, black and white colors. $399 One Group Nylon Tricot HALF SLIPS -2 for $3 All Purpose, "Rain or Shine" COATS Quality Solids and Tweeds $099 Regulor 14.98 Children's Dept. Mezzanine Floor Assortment of Boys WASH PANTS $4 and $5 values, Light and dark colors. Sizes 6 to 18. Regular $298 Girls' Sanforizad Tuck 'N Grow Cotton $1.00 Sizes 4 to 14.

Summer Sportswear size sand colors. Values to $3.00 other Clearance of sportswear shorts, In blouses assorted and $100 Open Until 9 P.M.J he BECKLET Every Monday 4, AUGUST 28, 1959 Glen Rogers Personals GLEN ROGERS (RNS) -Mrs. Thompson and daughter, Dolly, have returned home at Wayne after being guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Roblnson ai the parsonage.

They are friends frock the church the Robinsons pastored before coming to Glen Rogers. Raymond Jones, who is doing temporary duty at Camp Perry, Ohio, spent the weekend with his wife and children in the home of parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sizemore. hers Mr.

and Mrs. Julius Vince and daughters, Elaine and Becky, have returned home from Brownsville, where they spent a week visiting relatives. Mr. 'and C. A.

Overfelt have returned to Witchilta' Falls, Texas, after visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. Azel Becklehimer. home with them were Mrs. Overfelt's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Brown and daughter, Rhonda. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Tackett. and family were her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.

I and Mrs. John Wade and. sons, Bobby and Johnny, Logan. Weekend visitors of Mrs. Donnte Nuckols Cecil and family Clemens, were and her brother, daughter, Shirley, Massillon, Ohio, Mr.

and, Mrs. Harvey York and. Harvella, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayville Johnson were a recent visitors of Rev.

and Mrs. Ted' Cooke in the home at Bossevaine, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Chatin and family had as weckend guests at their camp on Greenbrier, their son and daughter-in-law, Mr.

and Mrs. and family, Middleport, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Buntling Glen Rogers. A Sunday' visitor' of Mr.

and Mrs. Everett Guthrie was ber sister, Mrs. Lakie Manning, Matheny. Margaret and Shirlic Miller have returned lo the home their parents, Mr. and Mre.

Sam Miller from Houston, Texas, whee they have been employed for the summer. They will enter Glen Rogers High School. Sylvia Richardson, of and Mrs. Adam Richardson, is visiting friends in Day. ton, Ohio, where she plans to secure employment.

was member of the 1959 graduating class of Glen Rogers High School. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Vidovich spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Tom Dillon, Becklley. Wilson Cisco who is stationed with the U. S. Army Texas, is spending a leave in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Wilson Cisco Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robertson, Charieston, spent the end in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Robertson.

Weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Durham and family were his sisters, Mrs.

Edna Morris, Morgantown, and Mrs. Alma Morris, Beckley, Frederick Dowdy has returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowdy, from Concord College, Athens, where he received his bachelor of arts degree last week. Jean and Margaret Alderman, Washington, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr.

and Mrs, Bill Alderman. Shirley Gentry and Almeda Bailey left Tuesday for Washing. ton, D. where they will visit relatives and possibly secure employment, They are members Glen at the 1959 graduating cinse of Rogers High School. Birth Announced PINEVILLE (RNS) Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas D. Stevens are the parents of their second child, a son, six pounds, nine and onehalf ounces, born Sunday at 10:20 at Grace Hospital in Welch. The Stevens have a daughter, Virginia. Mrs.

Stevens is the former Miss Joyce Kelly, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Kerry Kelly of Pineville, and Stevens is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. Harry L. (Stevens of Marmet.

McPeaks Held In Cleveland Jail On Rape Charge PINEVILLE (RNS) Robert McPeaks, 28, is being held a Cleveland, Ohio, jail for Wyoming County authorities. McPeaks Was arrested in Cleveland Sunday, and indicted Monday by a Wyoming County Grand Jury, on charge of rape. Sheriff Bert Short said he did not know. when officers will go' to Ohio to pick up McPeaks. 16-year-old Baileysville youth, who was indicted as an.

sory to the same crime, is free or $2,500 The crime allegedly was com-. mitted near Crouch's Farm, beon the night of Aug. and inBaileysville and, Oceana, volved a 14-year-old Baileysville girl. $1,200,000 ALLOTTED STATE FOR FHA LOANS UNION (RNS) The local Farmer's Home Administration office. has just a notice in regard to allocations for the 1959-60 fIscal year, according to Dwight 0.

Calhoun, county supervisor for Monroe, Mercer, and Summers Counties. lotted $1,200,000 operating West. Virginia has" been alloans, which will be used to chase equipment, livestock, feed, seed, fertilizer, and other farm and home operating needs. total of 21 county offices in West Virginia will use from the above figure and additional appropriations will likely be needed. These loans are made to farmers.

at five per cent interest and be scheduled 'to come due over a period of seven years or less depending on the applicants debt paying ability. A total of $49,910 was loaned for farm operating and. $68,590 was repaid in Monroe, Mercer past year. Several farmers in Summers Counties for the Monroe County are now taking advantage of this loan to' buy necessary livestock and equip-! ment to sell manufactured. milk, EIGHT COUPLES GIVEN MARRIAGE LICENSES daughter of Enoch and Amanda Adams; Robert R.

Stafford, 20, of Baileysville, son of Rodney and Leola Stafford, and Sylvia Lee Alwell, 19, of Hatcher, daughter of Lawrence and Augusta Alwell: Kenneth Tolliver, 22, of Wolf Pen, son of Johnson and Mary Lee Tolliver, and Mary Graley, 19, of Wolf Pen, daughler of John and Violet Graley; Frank Parson, 21, of Herndon, of Jess and Mable Parson, Ella Lee Ayers, 11, of Herbdon, daughter of John and Cora Ayers; Roger Francis Anthony, 21, of North Carolina, son of George and Robetta Anthony, and ia Fern Cook, 20, of Hatcher, daughter of Walter and Icie Cook Virgil L. Kelly, 24, of Baileysville, son of Charles and Carrie Kelly, and Nancye Sue Neal, 20, of Mullens, daughter of William PINEVILLE (RNS) The following marriage couples licenses at. the office have obtained of the Wyomning County Clerk: James Anthony Petitle, 22, of Morgantown, son and Evelyn Petitte, and Vergee Alyce Lilly, 19, of Ravencilff, daughter of Joe and Jessie Lilly: Van Ray Lester, 22. of Steeles, son of England and Margaret Lester, and Louise Athiene Adams, 17, of Balleysville, and Sally Neal; James Blevins, 21, of Marytown, son of Emett and Sara Blevins, and Margaret Carroll, 17, of Kentucky, daughter DI Edgar and Ada Carroll. WILL RETURN HOME PINEVILLE (RNS) -The Rev, 20..

Mrs. Paul. E. Cook and daughters, Annette and Melissa, who have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles W. co*ck and other relatives in Pine. ville for the past week, will return to their hame at Newark, I Delaware this weekend. BE A SMARTY -DEAL WITH MARTY LIMITED TIME SPECIAL No Hidden Charges TOP GRADE FABRIC 3 Piece Large Selection Sectional Outfit Of And Colors Styles No Outside Financing Regular Price NOW $34900 $199 3 Piece Walnut CASH PRICES ON A BUDGET PLAN Bedroom Group 269.00 Reg. Now $169 By Bassett MARTY'S 301 Prince St.

Ph. CL 3-9727 13 BIRTHS RECORDED IN WYOMING COUNTY MULLENS (RNS) Recent births recorded at the Wyoming General Hospital include: Eight pound, three ounce daughler, Beverly Gayle, Aug. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.

Lewis Jr. of Mullens; Eight pound 501, Larry. Wayne, Aug, 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil C.

Quesenberry of Bud; Six four ounce son, Handy Gene, Aug. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wilcox of Bud; Eight, pound, two ounce son, Douglas Earl, Aug. 24, to Mr.

and Mrs. Ronald E. FrankFive pound, two ounce lin of Mullens; daughter, Beverly Ann, Aug. 23, Mr. and Mrs.

Mose Wilson 'ol Mullens; Five pound, cight ounce daughter, Donna Kay, Aug. 23, to Mr: David R. Barrett of four ounce son, Kenneth Harold to Mr. and MirE. Kenneth H.

Persinger of Basin; Seven pound ounce daughter, Donna Jean, 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin H. Thompson of Stephenson; Six pound 15-ounce daughter, Terri Lea, Aug. 19, to Mr.

and Mrs. Jingle R. Baker of Olsego; Six pound eight ounce daughler, Deann, Samuel Ang. 1. 18, Smith to Mr.

and Mrs. of Mullens; Six pound daughter, Wendy Marie, Aug. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Hasel G.

Roberts of Hanover; Six pound nine. ounce daughter, Cheryl Elizabeth, Aug. 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold K.

Adkins 'of Shady Spring; Seven pound daughter, Ginger Kay, Aug. 15, lo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edwards of Rockview. RALPH W.

PHILE 1 Baileysville Personals BAILEYSVILLE (RNS) Eddie Mr. and Mrs. Luther Avant of Baileysville, was treated al Stevens Clinic Hos pilal in Welch for a broken arm. His arm was broken when he wrecked his bicycle. He was treated first at the office of Dr.

E. M. Wilkinson in Bob Harmon home this week from Fredericksburg, where he ployed this. summer. Harmon is a teacher at Baileysville Grade, School.

Ralph Clay, who has spent the in Baileysville, returned to Dayton, Ohio, Sunday to resume his teaching and coaching dutics at a Dayton school. His next. week. Mrs. Beatrice Hightower, Miss Hazel Hightower, and James Hightower, all of Gary, were weekend guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Arlen Matney. Altizer, who is training at a Huntingion Hospital to be an X-ray lechnician, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs.

John. Altizer, ail Fanrock, SERVICES SATURDAY FOR LEONARD BERRY BLACK EAGLE Funeral services for Leonard of Black Eagle will be conducted in the First Baptist Church at Black Eagle at 2 p.m. Saturday by the Rev. Thomas Mitchell and the Rev. Primas Dumas.

Burial will be in the Greenwood Memordial Cemetery. Berry died at 9:30 p.m. Sunday after being shot twice, in the left shoulder and once just below the heart. Survivors include his wife, Odessa: two sisters, Elsie Johnson and Annie Ferguson, both of Now Jersey; and two brothers, Phill of Raleigh and Howard of Black Eagle. The body is at the Durgan Funeral Home.

MYF Holds Outing FAYETTEVILLE (RNS) A group of young people from the Methodist Youth went to Charleston for an outing Sunday allernoon. They went tol Coonskin Park and Kanawha Air. port. Members making the trip were Dickic Whanger, Toe Bill Boss, Lee Bess, Connle Witt, Joe Pilato, Jackic Thompson, Harold Dodd, Bobby Pat Adkins, Richard Shuck, Wayne Spangler, Eddle Holliday, Lorrie Spangler, Ann Bibb, Craig Ashford, Rich Wallace, Bob Bibb, Miss Tommie Lee Dove. counsellor, and Mrs.

Alfred Bibb. No Beer For 20 Days CHARLESTON (AP) The beer license of Charles C. Lyons, doing business as Joe's Drive In at Mullens, has been susponded by Beer Commissioner R. D. Platt for 20 days starting at midnight Saturday.

Lyons was charged with sale of beer after hours, SCOLERI HOME SCENE FOR CIRCLE MEETING PINEVILLE (RNS) The. Emma Johnston Circle of the First Methodist Church at Pineville met Tuesday afternoon at Lie of Mrs. Scoleri, Mooney gave the devotional and Mrs. Claude Pan-. cake, presented the program on Book.

of Mark. The group planned to serve. the Men's Club dinner at. the church the first: Wednesday. in Septecnber.

They also made plans for their. regular rummage sale. The hostess served refreshments to the nine persons present, including Mrs. Gene A. Dodd, daughter-in-law of Circle leader, Mrs.

George Dodd, and her daughter, Janice The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. C. Mooney with Mrs. Scoleri in charge of the program.

MARLINTON HOSPITAL LISTS THREE BIRTHS MARLINTON (HEYS) Three. births. were reporled at the Pocahontay Memorial Hospital last week as follow: Daughter, Carol Loulse, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Carr of Marlinton; son, Danny Lowe ll: Mr.

and Mrs. Amon Tracey of Mace; and daughter, Mr. and Airs. Palmer Adkison of The patient list at the hospltal was as follows: Marlinton-Mrs. Minnie Dinkle, Mrs.

Grace Sharp, W. M. Waugh, M. J. Mann, Mrs.

Bertle Verner, Mrs. Woodsie Burgess, Mrs. Mildred Miller, Marion Sharp, Mrs. Ruth Dunmore Mrs. Dessie Horner; Hunlersville Beulah Grimes; Hillsboro-Mrs.

Hester Adkison, Francis Vaughn; Stony Boltom Mrs. Maude Meeks: Green Bank Mrs. Hattic Brown, Mrs. Edna. Cole; Durbin.

John Houchin; Renick- Sam McMillion; Lewis-. burg-Mrs. Ida Boggs. Attend Reception PETERSTOWN (RNS) Outof-lown guests attending the wedding receplion of Miss Doris Dawn Buckland and Don Micozzl at Peterstown Saturday were Mr. and Mrs.

Clinton Buckland and daughters, Sandra and Rebecca of Eggieston, Mr. Burley Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. D. R.

Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Owen and doughters, Rhelda and Royzetta, Mr. and Mrs. Everetlo Owen.

Gene and Rhonda, all of Pulaski, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Owen of Bristol, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turcotle and daughtor, Susan of Washington, D.

Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Young Rainelle, Mr. and Mrs. M. C.

Windly and daughter Kay of Roanoke, Robert Price of Pemberton, Carl Farmer of Narrows, and Mrs. Alice Croye of Blucfield. TIMELY REMINDER HONOLULI (AP) Sign on phone booth near Schofield Barracks, a U. S. Army camp outside Honolulu: "Please limit your calls to tour girls." MODERNIZE Canterbury Window Way! JASCO Gnaranteed by Good Housekeeping, 240 I Greciest Name In Aluminum Products NO DOWN PAYMENT FHA Financing, 36 Mo.

to Pay The CANTERBURY WINDOW CO. 735 So. Kanawha St. Ph. CL.


Beckley Post-Herald from Beckley, West Virginia (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.