Updated: November 29, 2024
Looked for the latest codes.
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Want the latest working Shindo Life codes? There are millions of Roblox games in the community, some more popular than others. One of the more recent games gaining a lot of traction is Shindo Life, formerly known as Shinobi Life 2.
In the Naruto-inspired game, players can explore a world and use their abilities to power up and become a powerful ninja. Players spin for items and other free goodies to take their characters to the next level.
Using these Shindo Life codes, you can get some free extra spins regularly. New codes come out all the time, so you may want to bookmark this page and check back often. Codes are also time-sensitive, meaning you can only use them during a specific period. Act quickly, and put these codes to good use.
Shindo Life Codes
You may only have a maximum of 500 spins. If you are close to 500 spins, make sure you use your spins before entering a code. Otherwise, your code redemption may be wasted.
Shindo Life Codes – Latest Working Codes
- RELLbadBirthday!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins (New)
- S0back2025!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins (New)
- AnimatingLikeimSkitty!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins (New)
- RELLSeasRealSeas!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins (New)
- 2024NovCodes!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins (New)
- NoVeMmentality!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- r311SeasBigUps!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- BigManTingsTesting!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RelaxFammity!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- GruntLifeCodes!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RellseaCsparrow!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- NovemberVM!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- PlannedConcepts!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- Co0lConceptsbr0!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- ShindoGruntC0dez!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- gruntLifeNindon!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELLNindonSeas!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- AidennGrunt2028!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- FaM2028Aidenn!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- AidenFAM2028!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- siCkConceptsBr0!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- 2mLikesC0d3d!—Unlocks: 400 Spins and 40k RELL Coins
- Gem239!—Unlocks: 100 Spins and 10k RELL Coins
- FixG4me239!—Unlocks: 100 Spins and 10k RELL Coins
- NoMoremessingOnlyGrinding!—Unlocks: 50 Spins and 5k RELL Coins
- SkibidiAura!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- SkibidiLife!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- WowsoSkibidi!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- SkettySkillsMine!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- TimeFlyshuhAlmost5Years!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- devDevShowerDevdev!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- soundeffectsNOW!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- nobreaksherebruv3!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- SkibidiLife!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- ShindoISlife4lyfe!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- SeasBuilling!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- HowBigisMebrainfam!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- FixGem238!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- time2grindmates!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- 2024AugCodes!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- SkibidSketty!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- gr1ndGrindG!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- OnlyWworking!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- NinD0nMusicFire!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- NindonIsPeak!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- Nind0nWwWPeak!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- R3LLbadmanmanW!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- WorkDawgStopSlackng!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- PaintinPro!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- Nind2nWWPea!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- R3LLradmaW!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- SaveHairohGod!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- JankSwanky!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- HairySaviorB0B!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- PeterPorker!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- CrackAhSlapMan!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- hairyId1!—Unlocks: 500 Spins and 50k RELL Coins
- hairyId2!—Unlocks: 500 Spins and 50k RELL Coins
- hairyId3!—Unlocks: 500 Spins and 50k RELL Coins
- hairyId4!—Unlocks: 500 Spins and 50k RELL Coins
- hairyId5!—Unlocks: 100 Spins and 10k RELL Coins
- RELLpeakgrind!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- NoStallOnlyWork!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- NinD0nTestingb4Seas!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- ZbruushGr1nd!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- WobawgdeSlackng!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- EmberKageisL!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- HazeNobuffs!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- SandFlightNerfYes!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- PokeshindoMon!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELLCSparrow!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- NimbusCarriedBySpecs!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- GlazeRedSenko!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- ObelisktakingLs!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- OneTappedHimBeastBomb!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RayySpecCarried!—Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- AidennGruntWork! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- ImADuneKun! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- Shindans! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELLSEEESisRheal! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- ShindemonZ! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- ShindeBAWLs! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELLNindoon! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- GettingSlee3pAFK! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- ShindonEmons! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- ScaredOfNight! — Unlocks: Rewards
- HorseBoyBuff! — Unlocks: Rewards
- MyTreat4DokuB! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- MandemMan4Seas! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- FixYoSelfL0zr! — Unlocks: Rewards
- sk1llIzzuee! — Unlocks: Rewards
- GUnChuckduck! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- 100DayShindoUpdate! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- MadMan100Days! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- WatinDeWunk! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- NindonisR33L! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- thirdDayhuh! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- Nindonisk33L! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- MadMan100Days! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- thirdDayhuh! — Unlocks: 5k RELL Coins
- NindonisR33L! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- 100DayShindoUpdate! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELL4NewYears! — Unlocks: 30k RELL Coins and 300 Spins
- AGameTheoristisGoat! — Unlocks: 10k RELL Coins and 100 Spins
- 4YearsShindoDevelopment! — Unlocks: 5k RELL Coins and 50 Spins
- RELLsGivingCodes! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELLgivingThanksMate! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- aRELLthanksGiving! — Unlocks: 30k RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELLThanksGivingL0L! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELLCodeGivings! — Unlocks: 900 Spins and 60k RELL Coins
- RELLGems! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- BLOODLINEofRELL! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELLkayg33! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELLbeatdownBL! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELLoraBLOODoraLine! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELLORAORAORA! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELLbloodmanline2! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins (Works on 211.1 servers)
- RELLBLinesLOL! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RykanLandz! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- Rykanfanbanz! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- Rykanf4ns! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- Rykansanm4n! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- Rykandonoman! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RayDangone! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RaySmolman! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RayWHO0! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RayNaygan! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- NoCodeBackwards! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- edocoNLOL! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- CodeManCan! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- CodeTanW4nPan! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- CodeSamaLam4! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- CodeSanLan! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- borunarudog! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- g00dboiman! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- makivsmaki! — Unlocks: Bonus Spins
- boruvkama! — Unlocks: 50k RELL Coins and Spins
Related: Roblox Music ID Codes on Attack of the Fanboy
Shindo Life Codes – Expired Codes
- RELLSeasSneak! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- mustyAk00m4! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- berellmyboi! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- m0reC0de3z! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- happybdayaxzel! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- deC8dezhere! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- BigmanBoy0z! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- NarudaUzabaki! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- SessykeUkha! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- donnDeAizen3! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- sigmab8l3! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- EspadaAiz! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- SheendoLeaf! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- DeT1m3esN0w! — Unlocks: RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- NewY34rShindo! — Unlocks: 25k RELL Coins and 100 Bonus Spins
- DisEsn0tDe3nd! — Unlocks: 10k RELL Coins and 100 Spins
- ShindoXm4z1! — Unlocks: 50k RELL Coins and 300 Spins
- ShindoXm4z2! — Unlocks: 30k RELL Coins and 200 Spins
- m4dar4kum5! — Unlocks: 5k RELL Coins and 100 Spins
- kemekaAkumna!—Claim for 11k RELL Coins and 110 Spins
- kemekaAkumnaB!—Claim for 32k RELL Coins and 200 Spins
- 10kRsea!—Claim for RELL Coins and Spins
- 29kRsea!—Claim for RELL Coins and Spins
- timeslowsdown!—RELL Coins and Spins
- 3y3sofakum4!—RELL Coins and Spins
- y3zs1r! — RELL Coins and Spins
- g00dt1m3zW1llcome! — RELL Coins and Spins
- theT1m3isN34R!—Redeem for 200 Spins and 20k RELL Coins
- 16kRChe!—Redeem for 16k RELL Coins
- HALLOW33N3v3n7!—Redeem for 200 Spins and 20k RELL Coins
- beleave1t!—Redeem for 10k RELL Coins
- 15kRCboy!—Redeem for 15k RELL Coins
- doG00dToday!—Redeem for Spins and RELL Coins
- HALLOW33N2022!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- 17kRCboy!—Redeem for 17k RELL Coins
- 0unce0fcomm0n5ense!—Redeem for Spins
- 20kcoldRC!—Redeem for 20k RELL Coins
- RELLtuffm0ns!—Redeem for 10k RELL Coins and Spins
- PuppetM0ns!—Redeem for 70k RELL Coins
- IndraAkumon! – 47,928 RELL Coins
- IndraAkum0n! – 10k RELL Coins and Spins
- bicmanRELLm0n! – 50K RELL Coins
- FizzAlphi! – Spins and 10K RELL Coins
- 2ndYearSL2hyp3! – 60k RELL Coins
- 2ndYearSL2hype! – 500 Spins and 100k RELL Coins
- bigmanRELLman! – Spins and RELL Coins
- AprreciateDeLittletings! – 30 Spins and 3k RELL Coins
- MinakazeTentaci0n! – 50k RELL coins
- 6hindoi5lif35! – 200 Spins
- rayK3r3d4! – 100 Spins and 10k RELL coins
- b4tmonBigm4n! – Spins
- ss5Shindo55! – 5k RELL Coins
- theRELLhasR3turn3d! – 4k RELL Coins
- R3LLhardW0rkd! – 3k RELL Coins
- shindorengo! – Spins
- k1nGhasR3turned! – RELL Coins and Spins
- onlyTeemWeelTeel! – RELL Coins and Spins
- rahwomen! – free spins!
- Ragnaarr! – 10k RELL Coins and 500 Spins
- Ragnarr! – 100k RELL Coins and 500 Spins
- Ragnat! – 100k RELL Coins and 500 Spins
- verryHungry! – RELL Coins and Spins
- ShoyuBoyu! – Coins and Spins
- RamenShindai! – 99 Spins
- RamenGuyShindai! – 30k RC
- ShinobiKenobi! – RELL Coins
- fansAppreciatioN! – 15k RELL Coins
- c0434dE! – RELL Coins
- ShinobiLife3! – RELL Coins and Spins
- HeyBudniceCode! – 200 Spins
- RELLYrellcoins! – RELL Coins and Spins
- onehunnet! – RELL Coins and Spins
- ccH0w! – 10k RELL Coins and Spins
- zangAkma! – RELL Coins and Spins
- BoruShiki! – RELL Coins and Spins
- BoruGaiden! – RELL Coins and Spins
- CCwh3Re!– RELL Coins and Spins
- RELL123SeA! – RELL Coins and Spins
- ccWeaR! – RELL Coins and Spins
- RyujiMomesHot! – Spins
- ZangetsuWu! – RELL Coins and Spins
- ZanAkumaNs! – RELL Coins and Spins
- BruceKenny! – RELL Coins and Spins
- KennyBruce! – RELL Coins and Spins
- RuneKoncho! – RELL Coins and Spins
- VeryStrange! – RELL Coins and Spins
- BeastTitan3! – Coins and Spins
- GenThreeYesson! – Spins and RELL Coins
- GenGen3Apol! – Spins and RELL Coins
- ApoLspirT! – 200k Rell Coins
- farmsJins! – Spins and RELL Coins
- SeaARELL! – Spins and RELL Coins
- Johnsuki! – Spins And RELL Coins
- Erenshiki! – Spins and RELL Coins
- 0aCbeHUHwhat! – Spins and RELL Coins
- 10MillEXP! – rewards
- 12D4yz0fh0tsauce! – free spins!
- 150kayRC! – 150K RELL Coins
- 1ceW0rks! – free spins!
- 1YearSL2! – 500 Spins
- 200SPEENS! – 200 spins
- 2021N3wY3AR! – free spins!
- 2022isHERE! – 200 Spins
- 25KR3LLCO1NZZ! – 25,000 RELLcoins
- 2Rad! – 25 spins
- 2YrsDev! – 100 Spins
- 4ndyd4ne! – free spins!
- 58xp! – 5M XP
- 5ucc355! -Redeem code for free spins!
- AcaiB0wla! – 90 spins
- akumaSinferno! – 127 free spins and 12k Coins
- Alchemist! – free spins!
- AlphiramaAkuma! – 150 Spins
- AlphiramaShizen! – 150 Spins
- AlwaysHungryYe! – free spins
- AlwaysLevelingUp! – spins
- anc1entp00p! – free spins!
- aNewFEELing! – 90 Spins
- AnimeN0Alch3mist! – 90 spins
- AnimeNoAlchemist! – free spins!
- B3LLaReR1ng1ng! – free spins!
- BacktoWok! – 90 Spins
- BaconBread! – free spins!
- BahtMane! – 100 Spins
- BankaiDokei! – 25K RELL Coins and 250 Spins
- BankaiZenDokei! – 500 Spins
- beDaSauceMon! – 90 Spins
- BeenSomeTimeBoi! – 6 Million Ryo
- berryCoolMon! – 30 Spins
- BETTERgraphics! – 250 Spins
- BiccB0i! – free spins!
- bidnessfam! – 25 spins
- BigBattyBoi! – free spins
- bigBeardMon! – 5 Million EXP
- bigExperienceMon! – 1 Hour Double EXP
- BigFatBunny! – free spins!
- BiGGemups! – Spins and 5K RELL Coins
- biggerShOOs! – 25 Spins
- bigjobMON! – 30 Spins
- BigManBadManTing! – free spins
- BIGmonLEEKS! – 200 Spins
- BigOleSOUND! – Spins & RELL Coins
- BigRELLmonCode! – 5K RELL Coins and 50 Spins
- BigRenGokuMon! – free Spins
- BigShindoGuns! – 90 Spins
- BigTenGokuMon! – 30 free spins
- bigthickcodeMon! – 90 Spins (NEW)
- BigThingZnow! – free spins!
- bigUPyup! – a reward
- blick0ff! – 100 spins
- blockNdoDge! – free spins!
- BookOfHype! – spins
- BorumakE! – Spins and RELL Coins
- bossMonRELL! – 90 Spins
- BugsCl4n! – free spins!
- BusBius! – lots of free Spins
- c4ndywh00ps! – free spins!
- CashBad! – 25 spins
- CCsad! – 25 spins
- chaChingcha! – 90 spins
- chadSanGiGA! – Double XP
- chapEmUp! – Spins
- checkmateMon! – 30 Spins
- ChekEt! – free spins
- chillenBuildenMon! – 30 Spins (NEW)
- CleanAnimsMON! – 30 Spins
- Cowabunging! – 5K RELLCoins
- cryAboutEt! – 45 spins
- DaBoatWEELfloat! – 5k RELLcoins
- dangS0nWearU! – spins
- datF4tt! – 45 spins
- de2001! – 500 Spins
- de2002! – 500 Spins
- de2003! – 500 Spins
- de2004! – 500 Spins
- de2005! – 74 Spins
- DEEBLEexPE! – 1 Hour x2 XP
- DeRELLCoin! – 500 spins
- deTingBigMon! – 5K RELL Coins and 50 Spins
- DeTingTingsTing! – free spins
- DeTINGZZZ! – free spins
- dexp! – a reward
- Dr1vingYEAGER! – Spins and RELL Coins
- drMorbiusmon! – 200 free spins
- EasterIsH3re! – free spins!
- EggHaunt! – free spins!
- EmberDub! – free spins!
- EndLess! – free spins!
- ENERGYofAGOD! – 25 Spins
- EngLishGalFiona! – free spins
- EpicGRAPHICS! – 30K RELL Coins
- Er3NYEaRgear! – 30 Spins and 3000 Rell Coins
- expGifts! – 30 Minutes of 2x XP
- FannyPacked! – 40 Spins
- FarmerdeMan! – 90 spins
- FarmingMeLawn! – free spins
- fellaDeRELLa! – 30 Spins
- fiar3W0rkz! – free spins!
- fightTHEweakness! – free Spins
- FindDeGrind! – 25 spins
- FiredUpMon! – 30 Spins
- FlippingWokMon! – 90 Spins
- ForgedEvent! – free spins
- fourFOURfour! – free spins!
- G00DHPg00dLife! – 60 Spins & 6k RELL Coins
- g1ftz0hgafts! – free spins!
- GardenFarm! – free spins
- Gen3When! – Spins
- GEToutMYwayNOOB! – 90 Spins
- giftFOEdayZ! – 5 Million EXP
- GlitchesFixes! – free spins!
- GOATofaBOATfloat! – 25 Spins
- GOTTAkeepGOING! – free Spins
- GOTTAkeepPUSHINGon! – 25 Spins
- gri11Burgars! – free spins!
- grindOFaGOD! – 25 Spins
- HAHAHAHAwinBOIwin! – 25 spins
- halfChikenMon! – 90 Spins
- HappyNewYear! – 100 Spins
- HardWokMon! – 90 Spins
- HatersMad! – 90 spins
- HaveDeFaith! – free spins
- holdMYSELFtogether! – 25 Spins
- HOLYMILLofLIKES! – 500 spins
- HotDogBigDog! – 90 spins
- howToSleepMon! – 5K RELL Coins and 50 Spins
- iAmLegendary! – free spins
- IeatChiken! – 200 Spins
- iLLoutWORKanyone! – 25 Spins
- inferi0r! – free spins
- isR3v3n3g3! – 90 free spins!
- itALLaGrind! – 25 spins
- ItsOurTime! – free spins
- J0eStar! – 30 Spins (NEW)
- J1nSHEEkeys! – Spins
- j1NyErGAr! – Spins and RELL Coins
- k1llStr3ak! – free spins!
- k3Ns0uND! – Spins & RELL Coins
- Kamaki! – 50 Spins
- KazeM1na! – free Spins
- Kenichi! – free spins!
- l00kaTM3Foo! – free spins
- LagFix! – free spins!
- LeRELLrad! – 25 spins
- LetDeMonWok! – 90 Spins
- Lickman! – 90 spins
- LiGhTweighT! – free spins!
- LoopyGomgom! – 90 Spins
- losingLIFE! – Spins
- lostThemWHERE! – 2x XP
- m0n3yUpFunnyUp! – free spins
- M0utH! – a reward!
- m1ndTranzf3r! – free spins!
- m33ksm3llz! – free spins!
- Mashallah! – free spins!
- MentallyFarmers! – 90 spins
- Minakaze! – 111 Spins
- MorbiTing! – lots of Coins
- more3XP! – 2x XP
- moreechpee! – 5M XP
- MorMor! – lots of free Spins
- movingUpWayUp! – 25 spins
- n0n0noooooo! – a STAT reset!
- n3vaN33dedhelp! – 90 spins
- NeedToUPmyself! – free spins
- NewBeginnings! – 200 Spins
- NewEFFECTS! – 500 Spins
- NiceEpic! – free spins!
- niceEXPdood! – Double EXP
- niceTwiceEXpd! – 2x XP
- NindoShindo! – 45 spins
- NothingStopYou! – free spins
- notinPersonal! – 25 spins
- OACBlols! – Spins and RELL Coins
- Okaybreathair! – free spins!
- OlePonymon! – 30 spins and 3k Coins
- OneMill! – 500 spins!
- ONLYwS! – 90 spins
- penguins! – 60 Spins and 6000 Rell Coins
- PetdeDogMon! – 90 Spins
- Pl4y3rsUp! – 45 spins
- playShind0! – spins
- poopENhoopyEn! – 2K RELL Coins and 25 Spins
- PostFarmloan! – free spins
- Pray4Update! – 200 Spins
- prayTaGod! – 25 Spins
- PrideUpBruv! – free spins
- PROVEemWRONG! – free Spins
- PtS3! – a STAT reset!
- r1cecrisp5! – free spins!
- R341G4M35! – free spins!
- R3LLPATCHY! – 5K RELL Coins and 50 Spins
- RabbitNoJutsu! – free spins!
- REELclaus! – 500 Spins
- REELcookies! – 500 Spins
- REELdivine! – 5K RELL Coins
- REELlicks! – 200 Spins
- REELsantar! – 500 Spins and 90k RC
- REELworked! – 100 Spins and 10k RC
- RELL2020Year!— Redeem for 15K Rell Coins and 100 Spins
- RELL2xExxP! – 2 hours of 2x XP
- RELLbigbrain! – free spins!
- RELLcoin! – 500 spins
- rellCoyn! – 20K RELL Coins
- rellEmberBias! – spins
- RELLgreatful! – free spins!
- RELLhOuSe! – free spins!
- ReLLm! – free spins!
- RELLniceCode! – 7K RELL Coins and 70 Spins
- RELLpieceW! – 500 Spins
- RELLpoo! – spins
- RELLseesBEEs! – Spins and 2.5K RELL Coins
- RELLsh1Nd0! – free spins!
- RELLSm00th! – free spins!
- RELLspecsOut! – free spins!
- RELLsup! – 100 Spins
- RELLswee200k! – 45 Spins
- RELLw3Lcomes! – free spins!
- RELLworld! – 200 spins!
- RemadeTailedSpirits! – free spins!
- renGOkuuu! – free Spins
- rENgunK0! – free Spins
- ReUSkunkedMate! – free spins
- RiserAkuman! – free spins!
- RunningfromDeMon! – 200 spins
- SarachiaAkuma! – 100 Spins
- SEnpieBenKai! – 30 Spins and 3k RELL Coins
- Shad0rks! – free spins!
- ShinBenTen! – 90 Spins
- Shindai2Nice! – free spins!
- Shindo2022!—100 Spin + 10k RELL Coins
- SHINDO50! – free spins!
- ShindoBlickyHittingMilly! – 150 Spins and 10K RELL Coins
- ShindoGraphics! – 500 Spins
- ShindoStorm! – free spins
- ShinRen! – 90 Spins
- ShootingSTarS! – a reward
- shotyofaceFam! – free spins
- ShUpDoodE! – Spins
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- sickNHealthy! – free spins
- silverfang! – free spins!
- SirYesS1r! – free spins!
- SixP4thzSpirit! – free spins!
- Sk1LLGaWP! – 45 spins
- Sk1LLWAP! – 45 spins
- SkunkBruv! – free spins
- SL2isBack! – spins
- sleepingOnurSucess! – 25 spins
- Smallgains! – free spins!
- sockDropItFans! – free spins
- Sou1b3ad! – free spins!
- SoUwUndKen! – Spins & RELL Coins
- Spooderman! – Stat Point Reset
- st4yw1th3m! – free spins!
- Subscribe2CaribBros! – 15K RELL Coins
- SweeOnlyHands! – free spins
- TaiMister! – Spins
- TaknaP1zza! – 90 Spins
- TenGOkuuu! – 120 free spins
- TENgunK0! – 60 free spins
- TensaSengoku! – free Spins
- TenSen! – free Spins
- ThanksRELLGames! – free spins!
- ThickUpz! – free spins
- tingsMonTings! – 1 Hour Double XP
- TingsYaknow! – 25 Spins
- tomspidermon! – 60 free spins and 6k Coins
- TopDevRELL! – free spins!
- Underdog! – free spins!
- UpdateIsHERE! – 16,000 RELLCoins
- UpdateIsHERE! – 20,000 RELLCoins
- useDeBrainMon! – 90 Spins
- VenGeanc3! – RELL Coins
- VenGeance! – Spins
- VerifiedTwitter! – 75 Spins and 5K Coins
- VoneFix! – stat reset!
- wakeUpandSmelldeMoney! – 25 spins
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- WeRiseB3y0nd! – 90 spins
- work2HARD! – 90 Spins
- yaDUNkno! – spins
- YaKnoDeVibezman! – free spins
- YeagerMan! – free spins!
- zat5u! – free spins!
- zucYamumFam! – a reward
How to Redeem Codes in Shindo Life
To redeem codes in Shindo Life, follow these steps:
- Open Shindo Life in Roblox
- At the main menu, navigate to Edit
- Hide the leaderboard by pressing the Tab key
- Click on the YouTube icon on the top right
- Type in the code and press enter
- A message will say CODE ACCEPTED if it is a valid code
Start at the main menu, and scroll up until it saysEdit. A character customization menu will pop up. From there, you may need to press Tab to hide the leaderboard menu on the top right. There is a field on the top right of your screen with a YouTube icon. Enter your code in the area there, and press enter. You will see a message saying CODE ACCEPTED if the promo code is valid. Any other notification means the code is invalid and may have expired.
Refer to our Shinobi Life 2 spawn time list for a complete list of spawn times broken out by location and time of day. You may also find our Roblox promo codes list useful to see what else is available for your avatar.
Shindo Life is developed by RELLGames, and Roblox is available on PC, Android, and iOS.
Frequently Asked Questions – Shindo Life Codes
How Do You Get Spins Fast in Shindo Life?
Spins are one of the most important elements in Shindo Life allowing you to acquire more lineages for example. You can acquire more spins by completing daily quests. This will net you between 10 to 20 spins per day. You can also compete in the Arena to win blue coins. You can buy 3 spins for 1,000 Blue Coins. You can also gain spins using one of several codes above. If you still need spins, you can always buy more using Robox for the following amounts:
- 15 Spins = 120 Robux (8 Robux per spin)
- 30 Spins = 220 Robux (7.33 Robux per spin)
- 60 Spins = 430 Robux (7.17 Robux per spin)
What Are RELL Coins Used For?
RELL coins are the second important item you want to pay attention to. You use RELL coins to buy accessories and combat art among other things. RELL coins can be found through codes such as the ones above but also by competing in competitive game modes as well through Arena X.