The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

The Most Widely Read Newspaper in Western New England VOL. 84, NO. 249 DECISIVE VOTE OF CONFIDENCE FOR DE GASPERI Italian Premier Wins Victory for Reliance On American Aid OUTBREAK IN SICILY Injured in Trouble at Caltanissetta Rome, Dec. 19-Italian Premier Alcide Do Grasperi today staked the life of his newly-formed government on a policy of reliance on American aid under the Marshall Plan--and won decisive parliamentary support. 303-118 Ballot Moderates and conservatives joined to give the government a 303 to 118 vote of confidence.

Only the Communists and left Socialists were in opposition. Extreme right Nationalists abstained. vote came after De Gasperi made an eloquent plea for Italian falth in the United States. The Marshall l'lan, he declared "means reconstruction. not slavery' Ho warned Italians, a "either the Marshall Plan or some substitute for it succeeds, or we'll bleed to death and we won't save the Italian people." Do Gasperi denied there 'any United States pressure or intervention, written or verbal, on the exclusion of the Communists from the government." But, he cautioned, "It's true that United States public opinion is extremely sensitive." Meanwhile nine persons were reported hurt in Caltanisselta in Sicily's Continued on Page 23 STILL UNABLE TO GET POWER FOR HIS HOME T.

A. Doyle Balks at Stipulations; Insists Robertson Follow Orders Whatever Christmas lights burn in the home of Thomas A. Doyle of St. James Ave. during the Christmas holiday, they.

will 'not' be electric lights. Kerosene lamps of candles will continue to furnish the illumination in the Doyle home just as they have for the past 18 months because of his differences with Building Commissioner Gordon Robertson. Refuses to Sign For a time it appeared that a conference between Mr. Doyle and city officials yesterday might. effect an agreement that would have meant turning on current in the Doyle 1 home for the Christmas season, but Mr.

Doyle refused to sign certain stipulations that were submitted to him yesterday. According to Mr. Doyle thy commissioner was ready to waive enforcement of one of the Improvements he (the commissioner) demanded, Continued on Page 19 Half Ton of Coal Taken From Cellar In Broad Daylight How a halt ton of. coal could be stolen from the cellar of a house is baffling It was done here Wednesday, according. to a report made yesterday by Mrs.

Charles Breggunes of 15 Ledyard St. and potrying to track down the culprit. All Mrs. Brogganes and her husband know, police said, is they the coal in their cellar Wednesday. morning and it was gone Wednesday night.

Both were away from home during the day. Twelve quarts of whisky were stolen from Jim's Colonial Cafe at 2232 Main St. early yesterday morning. The rear door wAS forced open after the cafe was closed Thursday night. A wallet containing about $25 in cash and a charge-a-plate was stolen from the hangbag of Miss Lucy Giordano Underwood St.

in Neisner's store at 1459 Main St. yesterday afternoon. GOP SESSION JAN. 19 Washington. Dec.

13 (AP)--The Republican National Committee has been called to meet here Jan. 19 and 20 to adopt a budget for the 1948 presidential campaign and officialy apportion convention delegates among the states and territories. L. THE JOHN H. SCHOONMAKER SCHOONMAKER HIT BY TRUCK, DIES INSTANTLY Local Oil Manager Run Over by 14 Tons of Tombstones John H.

Schoonmaker, 50. fornier manager of the Springfield District ot the Socony Vacuum Oil in this city, was struck and killed instantly early yesterday morning at a street intersection in Albany by a tractor trailer loaded with 14 tons of tombstones. Police reported' that Mr. Schoonmaker was on his way to his after attending a Christmas He had been unable to star: his car and so was walking. The acci.

dent happened about 5 yesterday Active in This City Mr. Schoonmaker, who was in this city for six years, was active in civic and community affairs while Chere. He took a deep interest while a resiIdent of Springfield in the promotion of aeronautics. He was prominent 11 Masonic affairs here and was a memher of the post of the American Le. gion, Rotary club, Springfield Safety Council.

and the Springfeld Country club. He was a director of the Chamber of Commerce and the local chapter of the Red Cross. Mr. Schoonmaker was transferred to Albany as manager of the Albany Division of the Standard Oil in Continued on Page 22 MANY BEQUESTS LISTED IN WILL OF MONSON MAN Springfield, Amherst. Palmer Residents Remembered by it Edward Brown Several: persons from this city, Amherst, Monson and Palmer were included in the list of recipients of specific bequests in the will of the late Edward P.

Brown of Monson, which was 'allowed for probate by Judge Thomas H. Stapleton in Probate Court yesterday. The principal beneficiary was Hazel J. Jacobsen of Monson, who was left $25,000 outright and also was named residuary legatee. $200,000 Bond Judge Stapleton called for a bond of $200,000 on the estate.

James F. McConchie was approved as executor, as nanted in the will. Springfield individuals and the amounts they will receive were: ArM. Partridge, a cousin of the testator, Charles H. Partridge and Arthur M.

Partridge, $5000 cach; Mary $1000; Rose Continued on Page 19 Fort Smith, Dec. 19 (AP) -An emaciated, frost bitten white man was found here today in a box ca: loaded with lumber and haltingly whispered to officers and hospital attendants he had been locked in the car without food and water since Dec. 11. Sheriff Prentice Maddux said the man identified himself as Earl Harrison, 24, as he told a story of eight days and nights terror. The man was found when the car was opened at a lumber yard siding this morning.

His attending physician said he was in. a critical condition from frostbite and inalnutrition. 1 Trapped Traveler Found in Boxcar Starving, Frosted Trio Accused of Illegally Collecting Campaign Funds Collector of Internal Revenue for Connecticut and His Top Aides Are Indicted New Haven, Dec. 19 (AP)- Frank W. Kraemer, collector of Internal revenue for Connecticut, and two of his top aides were accused today in federal indictments of unlawfully collecting Democratic campaign funds from fellow federal employees.

Two' Others Accused Indicted with Kraemer cul charges of violating the Pendleton act a part of the Federal Corrupt Practices Act, were Thomas J. O'Neil of Canaan, chief of the income tax division. and Ralph A. Piccolo, chief of the division, The Inlictments, returned by a Grand Jury which had been in session five weeks, charged that the trio 'solicited and collected about $2500 from 23 internal revenue SPRINGFIELD SATURDAY Personnel Board Votes SPRINGFIELD, 3 For $2000 Increase In Pay of Mayor Brunton Favors Raise to Commission Defers Action On Boost for Solicitor; No One Shows Up From Water 5: Board to Present Engineer's Request The Personnel Commission lost no time last night in voting to recommend to the City Council favorable action the ordinance that would boost the mayor's salary by $2000; raising it to $10,000. Forwards Request: Mayor Brunton, following his request statement that he would suggest the issue go to the Personnel Commission even though that board might have: no control on question of the raise, sent to the board a request that it give immediate con- to the question of a raise for himself and for the city solicitor.

After brief consideration. of salaries in other comparable cittes, the Personnel Commission voted unanimously to recommend the boost. But it deferred consideration of the boost for the city solicitor until a meeting next Friday night, when it will also give consideration to. boost for the associate city solicitor, at the suggestion of -Alderman, John Continued on Page. 19.

Pay Raise in Prospect For Military Services Appointment of Advisory Commission to Make Study of Question Announced Washington. Dec. 19 (AP) -In what appeared a preliminary move: tor a request for congressional approval of pay raises for the military services, Secretary of Defense Forrestal announced today the appointment of an advisory commission to. make "thorough study" of the question. The four-man civilian commission, which Charles R.

Hook, president of the American Rolling Mill is, chaifman, met for the first time yesterday. Meeting with it were members: of a BRUNING FILES Bruning Aviation, of this city has filed in reorganization privileges under Title 10 of the bankruptcy. A hearing will be held in the. Federal Building, Boston, Jan. 12, Kenneth W.

Bruning, president of the corporation. said yesterday after a legal advertisem*nt appeared in a local newspaper. The action he said, was protect the corporation's interests when time, allowed under a creditors moratorium to pay the corporation's debts, Bruning 'said. Under the reorganization further time will be allowed to pay off all debts, he said. Business Best Ever "We are doing more business than ever before and are now operating six flights per week out of New York City" Bruning said.

"Just now the freight planes are carrying women's clothing to mid-western stores which have stopped the long practise of up for the Christmas rush. stocking. freight can now make overnight deliveries out of New York City's dry goods centers to. the MidWest, stores in that section are operating on a day-to-day stock basis," Bruning said. A year ago when the corporation had become going concern it was Continued on Page.

19 FOR MORE TIME TO CLEAR DEBTS Asks Hearing for Reorganization Purposes, Under Bankruptcy Act MORNING, DECEMBER UNION SOVIET 'FRUSTRATION' POLICY BLOCKS PEACE, MARSHALL DECLARES $540,000,000 Is Voted For Europe and China As Congress Adjourns Compromise Measure Sent to Truman Also Gives Army $340,000,000 for Occupation Costs; France, Italy, Austria Get $522,000,000 1 Washington, Dec. 19 (AP) -Con- aid to France, Italy, Austria gress adjourned tonight, ending a 33- and China was approved after nearly day special session which enacted a five weeks of threshing out the foreign aid program and tails. du plan -for voluntary industry checks Approval of a compromise measure on rising prices. by both houses, sending it to PresiSenate Quits First dent Truman for signature, came just The Senate quit first, adjourning at before adjournment. 7.18 p.m.

The House followed at 7.32. The $540,000.000 program of emer- on Page 22 Aid-to-Europe Plans Run Into Opposition Taft Would Limit Program to One Year; Taber Says U. S. Lacks Sufficient Resources Washington, Dec. 19 (INS) -President Truman asked Congress today to approve a four-year, $17,000.000,000 stop-Communism "long-range European recovery program and ran into immediate Republican opposition to its main features.

Asks Complete Approval Mr. Truman called for approval of SAVAGE ARMS NOW AT RECORD NONWAR PEAK Will Make Bicycles at Chicopee in 1948; Other Lines Boom 3. 20, 1947 Bedros H. Markarian, 15, of 836 Longmeadow who was considered one of the best rug appraisers in the country, died at his home Friday morning. For the past 52 years he had conducted a rug business in this city, its present location being the Markarian Building, which he owned, at 115 State St.

Native of Turkey Mr. Markarian was born in Arapkir, Turkey, April 8, 1872, coming to this country in 1893, after emigrating from what was then Armenia to England, where he lived several months before embarking for America. He first in Springfield to establish his business. in 1896. His first store was in the occupied now by.

Sears-Roebuck on Main St. to the old YMCA building on State From there, he moved the business St. He owned, several apartment houses as well as the business block. Mr. Markarian was widely known as a rug dealer and also as a connoiseur of, He handled fine prints at during his career as a merchant.

He attended. the First of: Christ. Congregationalist, in Long-! meadow. He never married. About A year ago, he described: himself as' "practically retired" when a reporter queried him on his activitics.

Funeral Monday Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Verkinia: Aveilhe of Longmeadow and Mrs. Martha Bojhosian of Turkey, a nephew, Manoog H. Markarian of. Springfield, and several other nieces and nephews in New.

York, France and Turkey. The funeral: will be at the Monday morning at 10.15. by services in St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Springfield. at 11.

Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery. THREE WISE MEN FROM THE -Striking scene from "The Christmas i- Story," which was pre-. sented last evening at the Auditorium by the Council of Churches." Left to right: Breganes as one of the wise men, Janet L. Acorn as Mary, John Taylor, second wise man, kneeling; Ben Sweet as high There's no need for apology for sentiment at Christmas and many were deeply touched' last night as "The Christmas Story" was presented through rich pageantry and traditionally sweet carol music at torium under, the auspices of the Council Christian Youth and the Council of Churches. It was a beaudone production- with the performance of Janet Langlois A.3 "Mary" standing, out as a highlight of the and those 'of Charies Breganes, 3 John Taylor and.

Fred THE WEATHER Fair, Cold Today "for the purpose of furthering the interest of the party" in the 1946 general election. No charges were made against the contributors. Convicted A U. 'S. Atty.

Adrian W. Maher, onetime Democratic state chairman. said conviction on any count in the multiple-count indictments, would mean dismissal from the service. plus a fine of $5000 or three years imprisonment, or both, Kraemer, 'collector since 1944, was a political aide of the late S. Senator Francis T.

(D-Conn.) before joining the Internal Revenue Department in 1936 as deputy collec1 tor. No date for arraignment has, been set. 4C PAGES the entire program, together with actual appropriations of $6,800,000,000 for the first 15 months, to 'preserve America's own economic freedom, oppose the spread of "totalitarianism" and "insure that there will never be a World War III." The momentous, 9000-word message Continued on Page 22 GOP DELEGATES TO GIVE: VOTES TO SALTONSTALL St. Germain Says Unpledged Group Will Stick With 'Dark Horse' Massachusetts delegates to the ReI publican National convention will go unpledged, according to. present plans, but undoubtedly will give their votes! on the first ballot to Sen.

Leverett Saltonstall as' the party's nominee for president and will stick with him as long as he has any strength in the opinion of D. J. St. Germain. chairman of the Republican City Committee of this city.

He emphasized former reports which he gets that the Saltonstall sentiment has grown considerably in recent weeks. Leading "Horse" Saltonstall now is being mentioned as one of the leading "dark horses" for the nomination. Such scramble is indicated for the two seats and the two alternate posts to the Republican National Convention from this area that Mr. St. Germain, who is himself an aspirant for one of the posts, thinks it would be advisable in interests of party harmony if the various aspirants would go into a huddle and see what Continued on Page 22.

Cubs to Expend $66,275 in Repairs At Pynchon Park The Chicago Cubs baseball club has Jeased Pynchon Park to whichs Springfield league hasball is going to spend $66.275 in repairs and improvements at the park and for installation of flood lights for night games. According to: permit for the rehabilitation of the park, issued by the Building Department vesterday, club will spend $50,000 on' the lighting system alone. The grandstand is to be repaired and rebuilt in part. new toilets and plumbing will be installed and a metal fence is to be erected around the park. The expenditure on the grandstand will be $12,375 and on plumbing $3900.

The Savage Arms Corporation' will begin quantity production on a shaft driven type of bicycle in 1948 and already has a substantial amount of orders for the vehicle, it was reported yesterday. They will be built at the Stevens Arms Division in Chicopee Falls. Along with the news of the introduction of the new product comes word that production in. sporting Arearms and the lawnmower that are products tot the Chicopee Falls plant will take a substantial jump in 1048. 100 New Employees It was revealed that 100 new cmployees have been added to the plant, bringing the total to 1700, the largest nonwar employment peak in the history of the Stevens Division: It is understood that top company executives are highly elated over the outlook for 1948.

It is believed that Continued on Page 22. Adams Cemeteries, Closed by Lack of Funds, Reopened Adams, Dec. 19-Tho Adams cemeteries, closed last night when a special town meeting failed to supplement a $9.01 balance left in the pay roll account, were reopened late this afternoon after the two employees offered to work without wages until Monday night when another at' will be. made to get a town meeting appropriation. There was no quorum at last night's session so no action could be Cemetery Commissioners George Clerc and Matthew Kustra an-: nounced this solution after rejecting an offer of Adams St.

Super-: intendent Alec J. Strecpek to send his men to do such necessary cemetery work as the plowing out of roads and the opening of graves until the first, of the year when 1948 funds will be available to pay the regular cemetery force. Hotels, Restaurants Here Forget Meatless Tuesdays Spokesman Says Program Ignored in Other Cities and Public Demands Its Meat Meatless Tuesdays in Springfield, hotels and restaurants are their way out already, despite the earnest intention of most of the eating places a -few weeks ago to cooperate with the program to save food for Europe. This was admitted yesterday by Tycho M. Petersen, president of the Springfield Restaurant Owners Association.

The public's insistence upon meat and the fact eating places in other. cities didn't go along with the idea are the reason for the flop here. Mr. Petersen said many Springfield places are still trying to co-operate but even these are beginning to lose interest in the program. "In Boston and New sald Petersen "and in many other cities the restaurant men are paying no at- THREE CENTS I Secretary Blames Big Four Deadlock On Russian Moves Asserts U.S.

Must Help Restore 'Healthy Society' in Europe REPARATIONS SAID TO BE KEY ISSUE Avers Eastern Reich Made Red 'Province' BEDROS H. MARKARIAN special armed forces committee appointed by Forrestal and which has been exploring the military pay raise question for the last six 'months. "The latter commission is neaded by of Navy John: L. Sullivan. Other members of the advisory commission are Rev.

John J. Cavanaugh, president of Notre Dame University; Keith S. McHugh, vicepresident of American Telephone and Telegraph and Lawrence: H. Continued on Page 19 TURNERS FIELD INSPECTED BY NAVY FLIERS Satisfactory for Training Purposes Except for Lack of Runways i Continued on Page 19 FAVOR UNION SHOP Falls, Dec. 19-Capt.

O. P. Smoot, commander of the Squantum Naval Air, Station and Comdr. McKnight, chief of naval aviation training. at that base, arrived here today in a twin-engine naval air transport to inspect the Turners Falls Airport for possible use as a Naval Reserve training Only base.

Runaways' Lacking They surveyed the hangars classroom facilities, talked with Atty. Benedict F. Fitzgerald, a lieutenant commander in the Naval Reserve and one of. those responsible for arranging the inspection and with: al group of interested parties which included Albert L. Saulnier, chairman of the selectmen, Winslow Wentand Carl active the worth, woolen and worsted director of Textile Workers Union of (CIO) said tonight that elections ducted in .20 American Woolen mills this week by the National Relations Board the showed 93 per.

cent. of. ployees favored union priest, and Fred Pease, third wise man, Pease as the "Three Wise Men," being highly effective. The pageant, was written and produced by Ben Sweet, was enriched by splendid musical support by the Symphony Chorus, Wesley Men's Chorus, "groups from the Technical High School and the High School of Commerce choruses, and Hope and First Church. musical groups.

The Symphony Chorus was located in the top balcony and its rich tones were particularly effective as they came from the Auditorium The Wesley A Chorus, which was in the RUG MERCHANT, APPRAISER, DIES Native of Turkey Had Conducted His Business Here F1 52 Years balcony, did a fine piece of work, as did the First and Hope Church Choirs. The youthful voices of the student choruses added much to the enjoyment of the program. More than 1500 attended and those in the: were Robert Rogow, Robert Morse, Charles Adams, 'Ann Levine, Richard Breck, Elizabeth Williams, Howard Baver: Morgan Levine, James Vernadakis, Ted Savaria, Herbert Aronson, Fiske Thrasher, James Anderson, Howard, Clark, Hans Continued on Page 19 Washington, Dec. 19 (AP)-Secretary of State Marshall said tonight that because of Soviet "frustration" policies, a lasting European peace settlement is yet distant. 'Healthy Society' It probably will have to await the outcome of Western Europe's efforts American assistance-to "restorth healthy society," he predicted.

In a radio talk to the nation Marshall reported on the break-up of Four foreign ministers conference at London. He said that until the struggle between Russia and the Western powers is decided even a "paper would be difficult. "The Soviet Union has recognized the situation in its frank declaration of hostility and opposition to the European recovery program," Mar-, shall continued. Placing the blame for failure to reach agreement on Russian Foreign Minister Molotov, Marshall, said that at London the Soviet spokesman dis-: played "no apparent will to reach a settlement." Molotov, he charge, used the conference "as an opportunity for propaganda declarations which would be pleasant to German ears." Despite the outcome, which he termed Marshall asserted that no real ground was lost or gained, except to make clearer the outlines of problems and obstacles to a lasting peace. "We cannot look: forward to a unified Germany at this time," he advised.

"We must do the best we can -Continued on Page 22 COTE PLANT NOT ONLY ONE BUILT WITHOUT PERMIT Requirements of Code Met in All Cases, However, Robertson Says Chupka, the America conCo. Labor Taft-Hart-(home emagree- A Not only has an addition to the O. R. Cote Co. plant in St.

James Ave. been practically completed without the receipt of an official permit for the construction, but a number of other structures have been erected before the was issued, Building Commissioner Gordon Robertson admitted today. Requirements Met But in these cases the builders met all the requirements of the building code, he said, so that there was no need for any action against them. lie does not contemplate any censure in the case of the Coto building. since the.

requirements had been met in code, the construction. J. Ernest a member of the code revision committee, was the contractor or on the St. James Ave. structure for the Cote Co.

Cote had no comment last night except to say that he had agreed, as do all applicants for a permit. even before issued. to conform to the requirements of the code. In the case of the Cote Building, while his original plans did not conform to the code, they had been revised to meet the code changes most recently made. A The plans as originally submitted to the Building "Department did not Continued on Page 31 CONDITIONAL APPROVAL 1 Panama, Panama, Dec.

19 (AP)A committee of the National Assembly voted for conditional ratification of a proposed agreement with the United States covering Panama Canal defense bases. tention, and the program's no good if everyone doesn't participate. You can't have Springfield conscientiously carrying out the meatless day while the others ignore it and expect to save any food for the starving nations." Public Insists There's another reason. "The public is calling for meat regardless of meatless Tuesday," Petersen said. "They come in and want chops or steak or some meat dish and if it isn't on the menu they go to a place that does serve it.

"We've been trying to adhere to the focd conservation Petersen said. "but when the public ignores it there's not much more we can do." The Weather FORECAST: -Springfield Saturday sunny but" continued cold. highest temperature near 32 degrees. Fair and continued cold Saturday night. Sunday partly cloudy and milder.

Gen-. tle northwest wind. ALMANAC: Sun 7.15, sets 4.21. Light all vehicle lamps at 4.51. News Index Amusem*nts 30 Cartoons Page 35 Chicopee Page 26 City 2, 11, 12, 13, 27, 28.

29, 31 Editorial 10 Financial Page 36 O1' Doc Brady Page 10 Radio Programs Page 37 Social Page 18 Sports Pages 32, 33, 34 State House News Page 25 West Springfield Page 26 .11.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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