Warrenton Banner from Warrenton, Missouri (2024)

THE WARRENTON BANNER. WARRENTON, MISSOURI Thursday. April 18, 1948 Pftfft Three The heaviest rainfall in the United States occurs in Florida, Oregon and Washington. WRIGHT CITY AND COMNRJNTTY I Detroit, were in town a few hours Saturday calling on Mr. and Mrs.

jWm. Schwier and Shirley and 'friends. Mrs. Rupe will be remem-bered as Miss Mary Ann Scanlan. MRS.

AUGUST STAMER, JR. Phone 87 UNirsmu. By MRS. E. I SCHAPER- (Crowded out laat week) Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Oberlag and: family of St. Louis, Mr. and Leerie Schaper, Thede and Wesley Schroer-and Miss Bertha Rinaman: were Sunday, March 31st, guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Julius Sehroer and: sons. We are sorry to hear Mrs. Her-i bert Sehroer is a patient in St. MIDDLE AGED LADY FET LIKE A HUItDRED "A PAPER VlTlilH A PAPER" They were enroute to the state of Washington where Dr. Rupe will be in Army Service.

Mr. Fischer, a professional church painter, has recently re-decorated the Methodist Church. The Willenborg sale last Wednesday was fairly well attended and things bruugut good eSrlces. Mr. and Mrs.

Wiiieuoorg and her mother Mis. lielse iuucd to Wright City on Monuay. We Wjsu them well in tneir new nome. i loreuce Dueboert caled on his broiuer uus at the County Farm Sorry to report Mr. Uus LtKLiwri not.

so well again. our teacner. Miss Stella Broocke. and M.a Virginia teueger. teacner of the Scnool, treated the pupils uiotuers of their respective districts io a t.iust enjoyable time Suuuay by 5KO.ihor.ns a trip to Forest i'ara.

The u.iu...nb pupils and mothers from Hill enjoyed this pleasant day: jian and Oonald Hay lote, Jean oayiie and Lynn liryant. Dons Dale Lohman. I'oris and icv oroeper, Mrs. inoent tiuher. lUyraond Bryant, and Mrs.

Gus Ail. and Mrs. Wm. Groeper accumpani-cj son Kari and family to see Lir. Mrs.

Raymond liockhorst in the Grove vicinity SuiiUay after and Mrs. Omar Jaspering of St. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Struchte- If rm.

Aucvat Starotr. Is th authorld reprwenUtUra of the Banner In Wright City and will sld to receive all news items; also orders for advertising and printing. The deadline for receipt of news Is I o'clock Monday afternoon, end we kindly ask that all news items be in Mrs. August Stamer. hands by that time.

Banner Publishing Co. meyer arrived Sunday following Josepns iiospuai at Lnaries. Roland's discharge from the Army here she under went a goiter oper-' for a visit with relatives on Wednesday. She is doing friends here and in Boonville. jfine.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bockhorst Earl Sehroer, eldest son of Mr. of Columbia and Mr. and Mrs.

Ed- and Mrs- Juus Sehroer, enlisted ward Krueger and son of St. Louis tne Air Corps, He passed his; OAKDALE By MRS. ED. ONET The frost last Friday morning didn't seem to do much damage. souie corn is planted in these parts.

The beat and oats needed this gentle rain that is falling this Monday iaoruinb. Mrs. Hay Bur nam was hostess to the Woman's Society of bhilon ui dUa.y and the quilt is finished and dci.trii Word has been received truiu Edward Carter who-is on Oahu lsituiu, Hawaii. His many friends ver. i.xa to know he was safe and uuin.

when the tidal wave swept --r. o-of the island. He helped rescue so pack mules. He leports the Ar. plenty to do to restore order.

(Jus Duebbert. brother of Mrs. Me.a Freese, was buried after funeia. -u-vices at Femme Osage Friday. V.e extend sympathy to relatives.

We extend sympathy to the il family in their bereavement in i of Mrs. Wilford I'aul whose was Wednesday, burial at Wright City. COUNTY FARM Sy MRS. OL.INDA LOHMAN (Crowded out last week) Henry Jaspering of St. Louis from Wednesday until Friday of week in the home of his sister.

i.r. Krwin Groeper and family and r.n Calvin Groeper enjoyed a fishing trip down on Charrette. They repo-ted a good catch of fish. Sorry we omitted Mrs. Wm.

I.nrret name last week as also a visitor in the George Poeppelmeyer home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaspering, Miss Louise Lirueseke and fiancee Edgar Maas of St. Louis spent a few hours Thursday evening with Mr.

and Mrs Julius Jaspering and daughter. Mrs. Wm. Brueseke visited her sister Mrs. Wm.

Linner and daugnter. I shunned suppers and parties because I had no appetite for food was afraid to eat My bowels simply wouldn't work right I was all blown up and bloated with gas. Life had a bleak and gloomy out look, i felt I was getting old fast At night Td stay awake wondering what the morrow would brlnir. I tried everything to get relief. Nothing worked just right until I tried PRU-LAX.

Then my appetite returned, the gas left and now I pursue a normal life free from worry." If you are constipated don't wait get PRU-LAX right now. CAUTION: USB THIS OR ANY LAXATIVE only as directed. MONEY BACK If not delighted wltk results. Get PRU-LAX today. (H) i and the latlrs mot lie Sirs.

MARTIN-STRACK WEDDING MRS. WILFRED PAUL, 33 HELD SUNDAY, APRIL 14 DIED SUDDENLY, APRIL 7 Miss Colccn Strack became the Mrs. Rose Theresa Paul, nee Bez-bride of Mr. Paul Martin of Cottle- dek, was born at St. Louis, on ville, on Sunday, April 14, on the, May 7, 1912.

In infancy she was groom's parents, thirty-fourth wed-' baptized and received her religious ding anniversary. The wedding and secular training in St. Ixuis, took place at 9:00 a. in. at the Mo.

Evangelical jarsonaKe with Rev. On May 24, 1935 she was united A. K. Katterjohn officiating at the in marriage to Joseph Crabb, and ceremony. to this union three daughters were were week-end guests of Mrs.

Hilda examination and left for tort Lea- Nobbmann. ven worth eUnesday. Mrs. Julius Sehroer and sons Ezra Cafer has been appointed to vis- the school board to fill the place Truesdale Tuesday afternoon, of Albert Cleveland who resigned Mrs Mary Schroer of Warrenton recently. ctnvint? With hr enn Hfrhort i.y.

Vandergaff of El Reno, Okla. and Mrs. Everett Murphy of Okla. spent Sunday vvith Mr. and Mrs.

Julius Jasper- ii daughter. 4-H Club Ceetlng April 4 iie 1'leasant Hill 4-H Club held Its i i e.ii'g at the schoolhouse April 4. i nil ill was answered by giving a r. i-oii-e with milk and describing a good The first year achievement pins v. re given out by Russel Elsea.

Re-f shments of soda and coo' ies were served by Miss Broocke and Dale Loh-t- Reporter. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newell and Schroer and sons while Mrs. Schro-j children of St.

Charles were week- er is in the hospital r'hnrloc worw wapW. The bridal couple were attended born. by Mr. and Mrs. A.

H. Strack, par On September 2, 194-1 she was united in mariage to Wilfred Paul. ent.s of the bride. 1 he bride was attractively at-; vl 1 i She passed away very suddenly tired in a navy blue dress with April 7. at her home in St.

Louis Above all things reverence 0 1 YtWli R. C. Marsh of Peoria, 111. and Wm. Marsh of Eureka, 111.

spent Saturday night with Mary and Charles Marsh in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Schaper.

Sunday afternoon they visited Alfred and Melvin Marsh at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell. Miss Mildred Schaper arrived home Friday from Greenville- III. She was accompanied home by Mrs.

Jay Ahern, of Greenville, Miss Anna Finley and Wils Stein. They all I fi.l.1u(TIIM matching accessories. Her shoulder the age of 33 years and 11 corsage was of white gardenias, months. The bride is a graduate of Wright! Her departure is mourned by her City High School. grief stricken husband, her three Mrs.

Strack wore a brown wool daughters, her parents as well as suit with matching accessories. other relatives and friends. Her shoulder corsage was of white! Services were conducted at the gardenias 'Wright City Evangelical Church on The groom and his attendant Wednesday, April 10, the pastor, wore brown business suits with Hev. A. K.

Katterjohn officiating, white gardenia boutonnieres. (with Julius Nieburg as funeral di- Mr. Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. rector.

The body was placed to rest Murk Martin was discharged from in the Wright City Cemetery. A. overseas duty with the U. S. Army, K.

K. having served in the European 1 Theater of Operations two years 1 GUSTAVE DUEBBERT, 68, i I spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schaper and family. ST.

LOUIS, no. end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bruning. Mr.

and Mrs. George Eggers and a friend of St. Louis were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Wahl-brink. Additional callers in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gerdeman and son of Elsberry.

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Short and children have recently returned to their home in St.

Louis after spending a number of months in California where Mr. Short was stationed while he was in the Navy. Mrs. Short is the former Miss Mildred Willis. Mr.

and Mrs. August Stamer, Jr. and children were Thursday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scharnhorst of McKittrick and attended a party that evening in honor of the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr.

and Mrs. Scharnhorst. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mps. Paul Goiterman were Mr.

and Mrs. Rob Dunn of Warrenton and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frickc, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Farber of St. Louis were business visitors in Wright City Saturday afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. John Bruning have purchasqd the home of the late Dan Nance about one-fourth mile south of town. A. STAMEB. (DO.

Feed For Profit With Ful-0-Pep Ful-0-Pep Starter Mash 4.35 Ful-O-Pep Grower Mash 4.00 Ful-O-Pep Laying Mash 4.00 Ful O-Pep Dairy Ration 16 per cent 3.60 Ful-O-Pep Oat Hulls 50 lbs 1.00 Quaker Sugar Schumacher Feed 3.15 Oyster Shells 80 lb. bag 90 Granite Grit, 100 lb. bag 1.25 Red Top Flour, 100 lb. bag 4.50 Red Top Flour, 50 lb. bag 2.45 Red Top Flour, 25 lb.

bag 1.35 (tf) IIT1TT1TTTTTTTT I 1 1 ii. i BURIED AT FEMME OSAGE ftii llio inrotiifinv inn wnilrlinrrl fv.tiinviih. fnr C.ustavc Duebbeit was bom. May Mr. and Mrs.

Barley Borgman and family who moved to Troy Friday were supper guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Porter Conley and Pleas. Mildred Schaper, Mrs. Jay Ahern and Miss Anna Finley spent Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. Wesley Knipmeyer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Conley and Pleas were dinner guests Sunday of Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Schaper and family. Wayne Schroer fell Saturday and cut his knee. It required six stiches to close the wound. Herman Pollien, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Herman Pollien, spent from Friday until Sunday with his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Julius 13, 1S77 in St. Charles County, Missouri and passed April 9, l'Hfl at the age of OS years 10 months and 20 days.

He leaves to mourn his death one sister, Mrs. Meta Freese of Wright City; one brother, Florence Duebbert of Washington, and two nieces. The body lay in state at Nieburg Funeral Home in Wright City until noon Friday with funeral the same day at the Femme Osage Evangelical Church at 2:00 p. with Rev. Mann officiating.

Interment was at the Femme Osage Cemetery. TWO-WEEKS' REVIVAL Mr. and Mrs. A. D.

Stamer and Schroer and sons. Yvonne and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miss Bertha Rinaman and Wes-McCov and Virginia were Sunday Schroer were married in Wright itruests of Mr.

and Mrs. Henrv Far- city luesday, April 2nd. I her and Miss Virginia in St Louis tier with the groom's parents and immediate family. In the evening a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

A. E. Strack with friends and relatives in attendance. lie cream, cake and coffee was served buffet style from a table beautifully decorated with a center iKniquet of spring flowers and pink and blue, and white ribbonette streamers radiating from lighted candles. Cont ribi'ted.

PEP SQUAD PARTY HELD THURSDAY, APRIL 11 Thursday evening April 11, the Pep Squad members held their party. All the girls came dressed as their idea of an old maid. Prizes were given to Shirley Schwier for the best costume and Inez Krausch-ner as the winner in a game of old maid cards. The evening was spent dancing and playing games. Refreshments of ham and chicken salad sandwiches, potato chips, olives, pickles, ice cream, ami chocolate cake were served.

Resides the members of the Pep Suuad those who attended the party I if a Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schroer and sons attended the wedding reception Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Karren-brock.

The reception was held in honor of the newly weds- Mr. and 4 HEDDA HOPPER'S HOLLYWOOD MONDAY 7:15 p. m. Mrs. Weslev Schroer.

PITTS COMMUNITY CLUB MET SUNDAY, APRIL 7 The regular monthly meeting of the Pitts Community Club was held at the Pitts school Sunday afternoon, April 7. The meeting was opened with a group singing of The president, Mrs. Wm. Wehrman, presided over the meeting. During the afternoon trees, shrub, and flowers were set out by the members who donated them.

A basket supper concluded the entertainment for the afternoon. i r. iiinz oi iew iorh was an additional guest. Mr. and Mrs.

Fen worth Paul of St. Louis were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hunt and family. and Mrs.

Theodore Mueller of Mexico spent last week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Strack and attended the suprise reception for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin at the Strack home Sunday evening.

The followng were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Klausmeier and Mary Jane and Fred Weimer after At the Wright City Baptist Church With Rev. C. O.

Branson of Pacific As the Speaker Starting April 22 and Continuing Through May 5. Each Evening at 7:45 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these meetings. (38) DR.

A. 0. LUDWIG Chlxosractor 26 TEARS IW PRACTICE WentrvWs, Mo. Pnon.es: sssMXsne 1771; Office S3-B Hours Daily Except Monday 10 to 12 a. 2 to 4.

6 to 8 p. m. Monday 6 to 8 p. m. only.

Sundays and holidays by Appointment Only (21p) 1 Bin The next meeting will be held oal atten(H confirmation services at follow-I Sundav. Mav 5, at 2:00 p. m. follow mi of Mov at -on the Evangelical Church Sunday 1 were: the sponsor, Mrs. E.

Mittler, 9 Rain, rain seems ed by a pot luck supper. Awards earned by the children during the school year will be presented at this meeting. Contributed. here to stay, Cecal Coceidhsis and Miss Dothago. Later in the evening, Mr.

and Mrs. R. Palmer and children joined the group. Contributed. seeks its prey, Unless the boss Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Vahle and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vahle and daughter of St. Louis; Mr.

and Mrs. August Vahle and Arlayne; Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Groe-per and daughters, Doris Ann and Shirley Mae; A. R.

Brooks; Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Klausmeier and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eversmeyer, all of this community.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vahle and uses REH-0-SAl I'm going back into my shell! PITTS W. P. F.

A. MEETING HELD TUESDAY, APRIL 9 The regular meeting of the Pitts W. P. F. A.

was held at the home GIRL SCOUTS CELEBRATE FOURTH BIRTHDAY The Wright Citv Girl Scouts re- (ft wise' Buy economy uzc pcU9 of DR SALS-BURrS REN-O-SAL to uljlc chicks' growth nd for cently celebrated their fourth jnf rs George Schmidt on Tues- birthday with a chicken dinner at April 9, 1916. llig Hoy's restaurant. An angel Twelve members were present. Elaine returned to St. Louis Sun-i dav evening having spent the Id) 0) food cake decorated the lirl -im1p members decided to send some prompt prevention 01 the spread of cecal coccidiosis should it appear in your Rock Scout colors in green and white and opfJS (Q ulc Orphan Home for Eas- hoithnir four candles lornieu ine (or.

centerpiece of the table. tne cuessinj; contest Mrs. La- past week with Wesley's folks, Mr. and Mrs. August Vahle, north-west of town.

Emory Chaney spent several! days last week in Kansas on busi-' After the supper they attended i Schmidt won first -prize and TED IIALOIIE MON. thru FRI. 10:45 a. m. Mrs.

Frank Dillon won second nrize. A delicious luncheon was the picture show in Warrenton. Mr. and Mrs. J.

Otrden Scheer, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nieburg and Mr. served bv the hostess. and Mrs.

Harry Fulkerson helped, HAVE ENOUGH REN-O-SAL ON HAND The next meeting place will be Lamond On account of relocation of Highway 40 and the farm being sold, the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder the following pro perty at the farm located at the west edge of Wright City, on Tuesday, April 23, 1946 at the home of Mrs. Schmidt. Reporter. ness. Miss Mary Frances Ruhwedel, daughter of J.

C. Ruhwedel of Foristcll, has been elected corresponding secretary of Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority at Northeast Missouri State Teachers College. Miss Ruhwedel is also a member of Aeolian Club, Alpha Phi Sigma, W. A. A.

and Orchestra. the girl to celebrate. SUNRISE SERVICE EASTER SUNDAY MORNING ROY FOSTER OF ST LOUIS vtt-r Tn r-k A Tt nndmci H. J. ASTROTH Phone 54 Wriaht Citv.

Mo. Holstein Cattle A I'nion Sunrise Service will be x-wx-u iu ahu waia hebl on the Evangelical Church Roy Foster of St. Iuis was fined lawn at a. in. April 21.

$20 and costs of $10 on a charge of pageant "An Fnsbadowed Cross" careless and reckless driving on ill bo presented by fifteen girls. I Highway 40 near Wright City on Music will be furnished by a chorus March 10, when he appeared before from the colored church of Foristcll. Justice of the Peace Ezra Cafer on In case of rain the service will be Monday, March IS. held in the Evangelical Church i in 5 Registered Cows 1 Grade Cow 5 Registered Bred Heifers 6 Registered Open Heifers 1 Registered Bull 2 Calves basem*nt. Baptist Church Sunday School, 9:30 a.

m. Preaching service every Church of the Nazarene Sundav A small but choice ofiering of cafUe. Registration and Health Certificates will be furnished with every animaL A Revival Meeting is in progress 'at 10:30 a. m. at the Wright City, Church of the Training I'nion at 7:00 p.

m. Evening Service at 8:00 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday Household Goods Nazarene. Rev.

and Mrs. Fouse are wonderful singers; and Rev. Fouse at certainly a man of God and an; 8:00 p. m. Rusiness meeting first Friday in Crosley Radio Iron Bed 2 Dressers Stand Table Extension Dining Table Walnut Cupboard 7 Chairs Platform Rocker Divan Rubber Tired Baby Stroller Refrigerator 2 Wood Heating Stoves Wardrobe Dishes Picture Frames Other Items old fashioned preacher.

The meeting continues through Sunday night, April 21. A special invitation is extended to you, your family -and friends to attend each evening at p. m. Sunday Sclmol, 9:30 a. m.

Morning Worship. 10:30 a. m. Junior Service, p. m.

Evening Service, 8:00 p. m. J. P. Mcintosh, Pastor.

The Senior Class of Wright City High School presents "A Mind of Her Own" A Comedy in Three Acts Produced by special arrangement with The Dramatic Publishing Company, of Chicago Thursday, April 25, 1946 LIST OF CHARACTERS Jim Bartlett, in the construction business Floyd Bruning Delia Bartlett, his wife Alice Dockler Bunny, their daughter Marie Twiehaus Tommie, their son Glenn Cafer Nettie, another daughter Melba Stonebarger Lizzie, the maid Bernice Collins Jessica Atwood, Bunny's guest Betty Owens Delphine Lindley, another of Bunny's guests Emogene Meyerotto Steve Henderson, an admirer of Bunny Lloyd Bruning Hugh Randall, another admirer Lindsay Dale Mittler Carol Russelll, the girl next door Joyce Ryker Miss Flora Fenwick, a naturalist Marjorie Nissing Mrs. Phelps, a contractor's wife Velda Cox TIME: 8:00 p. m. (38) ADMISSION: 25c 50c each month at p. m.

Everyone welcome to come and worship with us. George P. Hooch, Pastor. (tf) Shil oh Church Preaching every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 9:30 a. m.

Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Rev. T. E.

Smith, John Nelson met of ELUDE and GDOOII MON. thro Fill. MO p. Cattle Sale at 1 p. m.

Pastor. (tf) Household immediately thereafter Engel it Davis, Auctioneers Union Methodist Church Sunday School at 9:30 a m. Preaching semice at 10:30 a. m. Everybody invited.

A. Waters. Pastor. (tf H. O.

Hedeman Evangelical Church Candlelight Communion Service on Good Friday Evening at 7:30 p. m. Easter Sunday: Sunday School at 0:30 a. ni. Easter and Communion Service at 10:30 a.

m. A. E. Kat-terjohni Pastor. Forest Strathman, Clerk For Catalogue Address Glenn Davis, Sales Columbia, Mo.

(38p) News Notes Lt. and Mrs. Ralph Andrak of San Diego, Calif, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Kennedy last week Tuesday.

Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Rupe of New ttelle Methodist Church Preaching and worsliip services at 9 a.

m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Chas. A.

Waters, Pastor. (tf).

Warrenton Banner from Warrenton, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.